I said I would use this blog spot to update my fitness goals achievements periodically. So I'll start with May's progress. One thing we know that has to happen in order to be a better runner, is you have to run! So in May, one of the most stressful times of the school year, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and get out there and RUN! Remember I did my 10K with little no training in April and have been approaching a few races like that for years. Well, no more!
My racing wings! Top pic with Asics and wings in Mt. Pleasant at the start. Bottom pic with one wing missing at the finish! I placed the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline number on both sides of my headpiece.
As I said, I am determined to work harder to be a voice for those whose voices have been silenced and I plan to bring awareness through races and sharing information online and person to person. I also said in my SMART goal that fitness and running would be my focus areas to use for fundraising and I would keep up with minutes and miles.
On Friday, May 2nd I participated in a 45 minute Boot Camp at my job. It was ridiculously good! It showed me that I wasn't out of shape, but I wasn't as "in shape" as I thought. I was so invigorated and sore afterwards that that next morning, after sleeping with a Salonpas patch, I woke up and started my interval running routine! I completed a 25 minute run/walk pretending I was Indiana Jones attempting to beat the rising of the morning sun and humidity!
I really need to rewatch the Indiana Jones movies! I absolutely adored him!
The next week I began my 100 Squat Challenge by Fitness Blender and my FitStar Runtensity routine which I have completed consistently throughout this month! I'm pretty biased when it comes to FitStar due to the presence of Tony Gonzalez. I mean who wouldn't work through fatigue with a little eye candy motivation! On another note he was a star NFL player who had an awesome professional football career. Yeah, but the first point is the greater motivation for me! Let's just say FitStar picked an amazing spokesman whatever direction you look at it.
That following Saturday I completed a 35 minute interval run! Mind you I have not truly ran with the notion of getting better in like years never!!! Not counting my high school days, but I'll spare you of that Al Bundy nostalgic moment this time.
Who would've known those track years of yesteryear would be motivation for today
Seriously though, then came my use of the 5K Runner app. It did an awesome job of helping me warm up and pacing my intervals. The first two weeks really helped to rebuild my confidence as I was running. The only issue I had with it was that I wasn't sure about my miles. I understand when you're starting it's not about the miles, it's about building endurance, but I wanted to know my miles since in my head I wasn't a "true beginner".
I received great motivational phrases for each run and cool badges for milestones, but I still wanted to know my miles. This caused me to journey back to the app I created many training plans on and never saw any of them through, My Asics. My plan was to use the dual and get exactly what I wanted, mileage and personal training! I can't remember if one wouldn't run in the background or not, but I ended up using My Asics for a few runs and missing my interval updates. Though by this point I already had landmarks mapped out in the neighborhood. I just kind of missed the voice prompts.
My Asics calendar for May/June
As I was perusing Google+ one day I came across the Runner's World Streak Challenge and an app that not only mapped your runs, but also mapped other fitness activities! Ah-may-zing! So I signed up for the #RWRunStreak and downloaded the MapMyFitness app. It doesn't give interval cues, but it does give you your miles and minutes. So basically I got what I wanted from My Asics, mileage, and 5K Runner , a voice, plus more in one spot!

I began using MapMyFitness on Mememorial Day since the #RWRunStreak is a challenge to run at least 1 mile for 40 days, from Memorial Day to July 4th. The app did crash on me the second day of my interval run and lost my 2.5 miles. When I emailed MapMyFitness, they told me ,very nicely, that various issues could have caused the crash and unfortunately I was just out of luck. Now that's the VONacular of what they said. Since I'm using the free version, I still can't complain. I logged my miles in manually, but it didn't count towards my challenge data. It's still an awesome app because everything I do can be logged in one spot!
Thursday was a no run day for me. There wasn't an issue with the app.
Again, I still log my data into 5K Runner, because it's a great app and I bought it, and My Asics because I finally have a plan that won't be terminated!!! So as I begin June, MapMyFitness will be my control central. It looks like it will be a pretty good investment in the near future since I plan to use it as the core app and manually record data into the others. So the recordable part of my goal is pretty much set and I am actually packing in some miles for change! #miles4change
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