Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Relationship Web

I absolutely love seeing comments on the internet that single people have no right to talk about relationships. I mean how could someone who is not in a committed relationship even comment on how to have a good relationship. Of course I am being sarcastic. People seem to have tunnel vision when it comes to relationships. It’s constantly defined as a bond between a loved and his/her beloved. That’s still not clear. It’s constantly defined as two strangers who come together and overcome the challenges of two becoming one in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Honestly that’s only one of the many relationships you will experience in life, and yes, a single person would not be able to comment or give advice on that union.

 On the other hand there are many other relationships that we become involved in before the “coupe de gras”.  One thing this single person has learned is that preparation for the union to my beloved is practiced through the unions I create every day with the people around me. From my God, to my family, to my coworkers, to my boss, I am intertwined in various relationships that function in very distinct areas on very different levels. Each relationship has taught me a lesson about being connected to others.

So here are five things I’ve learned about being a good” partner” in any relationship I am involved in:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stirring Up Your Gifts

It is so easy to stay motivated when you have people cheering you on, but what about those times in life when the crowd is silenced or not particularly concerned with what you feel is an important plight? This is the most pivotal point when it comes to accessing your goals. You have to know how to motivate yourself, or stir up your gifts. It’s not the job of the crowd to propel you towards your dreams, honestly most of your audience will not jump on the bandwagon until you’re almost about to cross the finish line. Which means it is very important that you believe in yourself and are able to motivate yourself from the beginning to the end.
Here are five things I’ve learned about staying motivated to achieve goals.