Monday, July 9, 2012

Rethinking My Thinking

Have you ever sat down and thought about what you think about? I mean really think about the ideas that travel through your mind. You know things you've learned, things you've been told, and stuff that just seems to creep in there with no real source that comes to mind. Now a days we barely have time to just sit down without some problem arising that needs to be solved, or some request that needs to be granted. Not to mention we also live in a world where distractions are the norm. Look around you as you travel through your day.  Of course this would mean not fidgeting with your smart phone or any other electronic device. Everything we could ever imagine accessing is right at our finger tips. From checking your email, to reading your favorite book, updating your social networking sites, or viewing your favorite show. The possibilities of the many places you can go without moving is limitless! We have what I will call "distraction overload". This hinders sitting still and getting quiet. I mean just thinking about it feels wrong.

But there comes a time when we need to sit still and get quiet. A period of time everyday where all the noises of life disappear and the only thing we have to contend with is our thoughts. Now I am as guilty as anyone else of allowing distractions to keep me, well, distracted, and obligations to keep me on the move and obligated. Who we are and how far we will go is directly connected to what we think. We've all heard the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results). Well this past decade has been insane!  I invite you to journey with me as I travel the road of reflection and take time to think about what I think about. Some thoughts may be proven true; others will have to be dismissed. The only way to change my outcomes is to change my actions. The only way to change my actions is to change my thoughts. The only way I can change my thoughts is to be real regarding what I think. The only way I can be real about what I think, is to think about what I think about. It just keeps coming full circle! So this is my process of rethinking my thinking...

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