From children to adults, we all love new! It's a proven fact! Kids love the promise of new toys and if you walk around any car accessories area in a store looking for an air fresher scent you can easily find one called "new car" scent. We absolutely, positively love new. So when the new year rolls in people are excited for new experiences, new adventures, and the possibilities of new opportunities. Everyone feels like they can take on the world, or the issues of their lives, and press forward to victory.
We also know by the end of the month, if not earlier, most people abandon their pursuits and sink back into whatever were their habits before the ball dropped and the clock striked twelve. But honestly, should our focus remain there? I believe as an online community we need to be in the business of spurning each other on, not regurgitating the defeats that possibly lies in the future.
As I visited various social media platforms today it was interesting to see how many people are taking part in the war against resolutions. Resolutions are not the problem, it's the fact that we normally stop at the resolution, which means we go no farther than making a wish, that's the problem. Not truly looking at the behaviors we need to change relearn in order to inch us closer to achieving our resolution goal.
We have heard it said before that it takes about a month to form a new habit. Others would argue that it takes even longer than that! What we can agree on is that habit forming whether new or relearned is a process and processes take time.
My Twitter page for the new year. I associate the struggles of life with sports, helps me to wrap my brain around it.
Sometimes the intro of a new year is the only time some people slow down to seriously look at changes that need to be made in their lives. So during this period when we are all celebrating new, why do we need to sow seeds of discouragement into someone's life by belittling their consideration of declaring to make a change? Change is good, and it's the only thing that is truly constant in our lives.
So to anyone out their considering to make a resolution as we welcome 2014, GO FOR IT! Think about the most important change you could make, the one that will have the greatest impact on your life and those you touch. Then, don't stop there...
- Write it down and place it in areas you frequent, so you always see it. (near your bed, on the inside of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, on the fridge,etc.)
- Think of at least one or two actions you will take to work towards achieving your goal. Write those down also, or record yourself saying them and constantly play it back.
- Create a timeline giving yourself periods where you check on your progress and make adjustments when needed. It's not hard! It could be every two weeks for awhile and eventually monthly.
- If you fall off the wagon, get up, and jump right back on it! Change is not easy! Perseverance is key, you simply have to get up more than you fall down.
- Tell someone who can hold you accountable to do what you said you would do. We all know family or friends who fit that bill and will gladly encourage and reprimand you.
I am all for resolutions and the possibility of changing for the better! I realize how hard they are to keep because I've broken quite a few I made through the years. This never stopped me from making them and I am finally in a season where I expect to achieve my goals and am ready to persevere.
So to everyone I wish you a very happy and blessed 2014. To those who see no need in declaring change in January, I tip my hat to you. To those who have changes that they would like to make and see the new year as a new start, I encourage you to press in and go for it! You can achieve anything you set your mind to, just be prepared to go the distance to make the changes! You can so do this!
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